Monday, November 06, 2006

Am I moving on?

It have been more than a year since my last break up..... is time for me to review.... let me see... what have i done so far?

For the past one year... I managed to cut down some wt... look more tan and can run faster, ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Working in AnE more than a year. Also get myself promoted lately.... gone for some courses.... Also recieved some awards lately...

Got my WIFE... GTTI away.... and gain myself a little saving....

Have clearly chosen my path and working towards it...

Dating a good gal out lately... but seems like no chance huh... ha ha ha ha...

Well... seems like pretty good.... when I've achieved more... I will post here and share with u guys wat i've actually done so far...

1 comment:

My_Life_My_World said...

Ur blog is great.. I had beening reading since the start by ur introduction. I had jus created mine yester. Check out my humble blog and leave some comments!!


Lastly, congrats to ur promotion woh.. increased pay?? when gonna give a treat...haha.. LOL.