21st of Feb, 2008, my AnE Xiao Mei, Hui Xian passed her Driving test... Congrat to her, hope that she will be a polite and good driver.
After dinner, we went for a movie, Jumper. The show is pretty interesting, however, our encounter is the most interesting part.
Inside the Cinema, we were watching the show in Cinema number 2 and sitting at D12 and D13. Everything were fine until half way through the show. THe lady who sat beside me suddenly went to the ladies.
the show was shown for more than an hour and suddenly a couple walked in and declared that I was sitting on their sit. They insisted that we were sitting at D12 and D13, which belong to them. The Singapore man was very GENTLEMAN. He just sat on the empty seat next to me, letting her female partner standing in the middle of the cinema and blocking the screen. This guy kept accusing that I was sitting at the wrong place.
I did not lose my cool and checked with him, which cinema you supposed to be at?
He answer Cinema 5.. and He was in Cinema 2. After he realised his own mistake, he qucikly went out of the cinema, without apologising to me.
Funny Singporean right? ha ha ha
Show started almost an hour and Blur people can just bring the gf into the cinema, without checking what show he is watching. Left the Gf standing and asked people to move.. Shame Shame Shame~~~~!!!!
Hopefully none of my friends will do things like that